Why have your cat vaccinated?
Vaccination is vital throughout your cat’s life. Within a few weeks of being born, your kitten will start to lose the natural resistance to disease which it gained from its mother’s milk and, sooner or later, it is almost certain to be exposed to infection of one kind or another through grooming, sharing litter trays or feeding bowls, fighting, or numerous other ways that are an everyday part of a cat’s life.
With vaccinations you can take the essential first steps in dramatically reducing the risk of your cat becoming seriously ill or even dying from disease. With a regular annual booster after that, you can give it the protection it needs and deserves for the rest of its life.
Feline Viral Infectious Respiratory Disease (Cat Flu)
There are two main viruses which cause what is commonly referred to as ‘cat flu’. These are feline rhinotracheitis and feline calici virus and they are present all year round in the United Kingdom cat population. Cat flu spreads very easily by direct and indirect contact between cats. Cats entering shows or being boarded during holidays are particularly at risk because they are placed in close proximity to each other.
Signs of the disease are:
- a runny nose
- weepy eyes
- sneezing
- coughing
- lethargy
If treated promptly, cat flu is hardly ever fatal, but can make your cat ill for some time and may leave it with snuffles and breathing difficulties for the rest of its life.
Feline Panleucopaenia
This disease, more commonly known as ‘enteritis’, occurs as an epidemic every few years. It is highly contagious and can affect cats of any age but is most common and severe in kittens.
It causes:
- acute depression
- vomiting
- diarrhoea
- dehydration
- in many cases death
The few cats that do survive the disease tend to suffer from other diseases due to the damage caused to the immune system. This virus which causes feline enteritis can remain active in the environment for a very long time and spreads easily via contact with infected cats or their saliva, urine or faeces.
Feline Leukaemia
Feline leukaemia is a very serious, incurable disease which can take months or even years to fully develop and which is currently considered to be the single most significant infectious cause of death among the cat population in the western world. Cats of any age, but particularly those up to 3 years of age, can be affected.
The symptoms vary widely and range from damage to the immune system (making your cat much less able to fight off other infections) through to persistent anaemia and cancer. Once the symptoms have appeared, your cat will almost certainly die, but even those which appear healthy can harbour the leukaemia virus and spread the infection to others when they share food or water bowls or when they suffer bites during fights. If a pregnant cat has the virus, her kittens will usually be infected when they are born.
This disease is not seen in the UK but vaccination is compulsory for cats travelling abroad on the ‘Animal Health Certificate’ or for export. Cats have to be microchipped before receiving a rabies vaccination. Please ask for more information at reception if you wish to travel with your cat. If you are planning to travel with your pet be sure to look at the DEFRA website before you start the scheme.
This organism causes a conjunctivitis which may be recurrent and severe. A vaccine is available but the incidence of the disease can vary greatly. Please ask your vet for more information.